Company news
Results of implementation of CTSP development program in 2014
In 2014 Container terminal Saint-Petersburg (CTSP) spent 345 million rubles on implementing its development program, 49% more than in the previous year.
The bulk of the funds - 189,5 million rubles – was used for purchase of equipment and development of port infrastructure. Particularly, two 40t rubber tyred gantry cranes (RTG) were delivered to the berths of the terminal. The cranes are equipped with GPS-based auto-steering system and auto-stop function, high-speed fiber-optic network and the cabins meeting all existing ergonomic requirements. Besides, the Company rejuvenated its operational vehicle fleet.
149,5 million rubles were spent on construction and repairs of engineering and production facilities. In the reporting period the Company completed construction of the fire pump house and the workshop, renovated the storage facilities and upgraded the lighting system.
In 2014 CTSP repaired internal rail trucks thus increasing the share of cargo removed by rail transport and decreasing the traffic on the urban motor ways, including the Road to the Coal harbour (Ugolnaya gavan) adjacent to the Terminal.
The Company spent 6 million rubles on upgrading IT infrastructure and renovation of the Terminal security system.
In order to improve the client service CTSP implemented the “Driver Electronic Queue” IT project which helped to considerably accelerate the document processing and reduce the truck handling time.
Besides, the Terminal implemented REFCON - automated reefer monitoring system.
New version of the time slotting system became available for the clients. New functions of the program provide online information on booking, customs resolutions and payments arrived.
In the reporting period CTSP equipped the Gavan Customs office and the area adjacent to the central distribution substation with video surveillance system.