Company news
CTSP invites to participate in "FREIGHT.DIGITAL 2019"

Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg (CTSP) invites to take part in the international conference “FREIGHT.DIGITAL 2019: Digitalization of International Container Shipping”. The event will be held on 19-20 September 2019 in Crowne Plaza hotel (Saint-Petersburg, Ligovsky Prospect, 61).
The conference organized under the auspices of the Eurasian Economic Commission will serve as a meeting point for Russian and international leaders of the maritime shipping market, industry experts, representatives of ad hoc state authorities.
The event is organized by SeaNews Information and Analytical Agency.
The key topic of the conference is regulatory, organizational and technical issues of container shipping digitalization, footprint of new technologies in this segment of the transport market.
The agenda of professional discussions includes the report of CTSP: “E-document management at the terminals of Big Port St. Petersburg. Status and challenges”.
On the second day of the conference, the participants will be offered a tour around the Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg to view advanced cargo handling technologies.
Preliminary agenda of the conference is available here.
See you on 19 September 2019 in Crowne Plaza!