Press room
In the first quarter of 2019, Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg CJSC handled 202,300 TEUs, 20% more as compared with the result achieved in the first three months of the previous year.
In the reporting period, exports totaled 99,900 TEUs, +17.3% versus 1Q’2018. Imports totaled 102,400 TEUs (+22.8%, year-on-year) including 26,100 TEUs of refrigerated cargo.
In March 2019, CTSP 77,000 TEUs, which is a record high monthly result of the terminal.
In January-March 2019, CTSP registered 124 calls with average shipload of 1,618 TEUs.
In the first quarter of 2019, Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg CJSC allocated RUB 2.9 million for implementation of its social programme focused on support of the company personnel, which 28% more than in the same period of the previous year.
The bulk of the amount covered compensations for medical services, health resort treatment, leisure and sport activities of the company employees.
Container throughput of Container terminal Saint-Petersburg (CTSP) rose 6% to 95,8k TEU year-on-year in January - March 2014. Export in Q1 rose 11% to 46,6k TEU. The share of full containers in the total export was 31%, which is 1,5 more than in Q1 2013. The terminal handled 49,2k TEU of import containers – 2% more compared to the same period in 2013, 16,3k TEU of which were containers with refrigerated cargo. The shares of export and import in the cargo turnover structure were 49% and 51% respectively.